Wednesday, January 10, 2007

From "Do Nothing" "Do Everything"?

They're back!!!
The Democrats have officially moved into the majority again. After living through the so-called "do nothing" congress I'm just happy to see that the Democrats want to come to work. Okay, so my standards have diminished since the ninties. Can you honestly tell me that yours haven't? I didn't think so. Let us move on. The political shift has been felt but what can the Democrats do to improve conditions under this President? If nothing else it should certainly be entertaining.

Pelosi and company have a mountain to climb. They have a full agenda and I hope they can get something done. At this point I don't even have to agree with it, I just want to see congress working again. It won't be easy.
This President and his "Stay the course" rhetoric seem to be joined at the hip. The Democrats have all but admitted that they will not use Congressional power to stop this war or take away supplies to troops (which should never be done by the way--leave the troops alone!). They have left the option of using congress to block the president from sending more troops to Iraq but just hours ago President Bush vowed to do just that. His plan is to send more troops to squelch sectarian violence which beggs the question; When is enough enough? I want to trust my President but he hasn't been very trustworthy(i.e. -WMD, -Osama bin Laden, - "Mission Accomplished", -Hurricane Katrina, -Domestic policy etc.). In theory, I can appreciate the President's strategy but I find myself doubting whether this White House can get it done. To me a fight against ideology is always a losing do you defeat something you cannot contain or kill? I want what's best for the iraqi's but mostly I want an end to this increasing American death toll. I'm selfish that way. More people would be if thier children were the ones dying and no greater good was in sight.

In the wars we all studied in school purpose was derived from a sense of loyalty to our country...and unity over a common WWI we honored an alliance with the UK (sort of), in WWII we stopped Hitler and got revenge on Japan, and in Desert Storm we freed a nation. What are we doing now? (Other than protecting 65% of the world's oil supply)? I don't want what happened in Vietnam to happen to Iraq but I want a plausible end in sight. It should go without saying that Democracy can't be forced. If the Iraqi's are not willing to take control of thier own government....we have no choice but to walk away and exhibit some tough love. The conflicts in the middle east have existed since before the days of Christ and I find it foolish to think it can be stopped by anyone other than the major players within that region. I say we find Bin Laden and get out. Of Course we must do our part to rebuild what we tore down, but we can't be babysitters. Turn it over to Iraq and help while allowing the world to also mentor and aid the bustling new democracy. All democracies begin in bloodshed and sacrafice but it can only survive by the will of the people. We can't make them want it.

So say the Polity,

Next time I'll address domestic policy.