Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Domestic Policy: What have we done for ourselves lately?

"America....America.. God shed his grace on thee.."

We're in a war and constantly extending our help and money to other countries and but what have we really done for ourselves lately? It sounds selfish, I know but our government is, aferall, in the business of protecting our national interests and its citizens first and foremost....at least that's the way it should be.

We have been so bogged down in the shadow game that was "immigration reform" that Americans neglected major domestic issues of the day.

The Issues: Agriculture, Business, Economy, National Security, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Delevopment, Labor, Education, Social Security, Capital Punishment and any number of sub-categories within each.

Voters typically list Health Care and Education as the two most important domestic issues:

Health Care: Yet we are the only "1st world" nation not to have a national healthcare plan. Some Americans even resorted to crossing the canadian Border to fill thier perscriptions because they could not afford it in thier own cuntry (That's shameful). Citizens and "Big Coporations" (i.e. Walmart & Target) have made the only good significant cahnges in the battle over percription medication by initiating a monthly $4 plan.

Education: No Child Left Behind(NCLB), a H.W. Bush iniciative that focuses on accountability and open exchange of information to parents. Some research has shown that more money for public education cannot improve schools without the reform of school bureaucracies and the creation of competitive incentives. NCLB addresses alot of that...and as most legislation does creates a few new problems. All in all I appreciate the effort and attempts NCLB introduced. it will require tweaking but its a good start.

Under The H. W. Bush Administration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_policy_of_the_George_W._Bush_administration

Under the William Jefferson Clinton Administration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Administration

Monday, February 12, 2007


Let the race begin...
From Barack Obama to Rudy Guliani the race for President has begun...which wouldn't be such a big deal accept it's February 2007 (not 2008).

I will cover every aspect of the presidential election in this blog--but I have to tell you...I'm just not ready to start yet.

Since the candidates have shown up early I may as well ask the question: WHO (of the 3 majors of today) WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Rudy Guliani
