From "watergate" to "email-gate", Every election season has its fair share of carefully timed scandals. This season has been no different. Timing is everything!
Where to begin, where to begin....

The Tom Delay scandal kicked everything off this year. At this point wer'e all so familiar I can just throw out names....Delay and Rove, Cunningham, Abramoff and Ney, Foley, Rumsfield.
Our president is riddled with so much scandal that his "issues" deserve thier own blog.

Foley was molested....Kerry was misunderstood... But then Rumsfield was fired because the American people were fed up!
Election Day was set to the soundtrack of "Mosh"(Eminem), "Dear Mr. President," (Pink) or my personal favorite "A Change gon' come" (Sam Cook)....and just to round out the musical analogies "The revolution will not be televised"(Gill Scott Heron). It wasn't televised. It was internet-ized....with Yahoo streaming national election turn-outs and dividing the winners by party. If you were so inclined you could have played the political stock market on .It always takes me about a week to overcome the stress and anxiety of any election day and with a week's worth of perspective I've come to the conclusion that this election was tipped in the Democrats favor for one reason...our country's need to rage against a phrase. We've all heard it, "Stay the Course". Our president seems intent on sailing this country into Vietnam II. Why is it always the Texans? Stay the course on a illconcieved war that should never have been.....stay the course although Americans are dying every day and now everyone knows we had no reason being there to begin with, Stay the course, Stay the Course! Stay the Course! This phrase stands as a shining example of the Ultra-conservative, unapoloegitc thought that always sinks Republicans. Democrats, for all their faults, always one up the Republicans on adaptability or what I like to call thinking outside of the trust fund. If my President had simply said, "We made a mistake but we've opened this can of worms and we can't leave until we can close pandora's box," we'd forgive him and move on. This country is divided because our leader is divisive. But all things change in time. Although, I dissagree with the majority of Democrats (and the President) on Immigration reform I fully support the notion of a balanced power structure. No party should control the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government. It just wasn't meant to be that way. The Republicans had six years of total control and failed to move on anything with a sense of urgency. Our entire system, of government is built on checks and balances...clearly balance is very neccesary.
Now that the scandals have all played out....let's get moving on making our government work for the people again. As an American I feel like for the last six years my country has been under a fog of deception. For what its worth I believe President Bush is sincere in his efforts but horribly misgiuded on how to be a leader and a President. Americans, all Americans, want very simple universal things; (i.e. a safe country, job secutiry, comprehensive health care, access to employment etc.). Now is a time for healing. I pray that our leaders work to preserve American values and protect our country and our familes....and I'm going to work to make sure it happens that way.
So say the polity,
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