Dutch Holland, a man I respect, penned a business management book entitled, “Change is the Rule”. In business that makes sense but in politics change is something politico’s like myself laugh at the notion of…because it is an illusion. Tonight Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee got the last laugh when they emerged as giant pillars of the American CHANGE theory.
Governor Huckabee is a change candidate and although an evangelical Christian winning in Iowa seems less than noteworthy, I invite you to look a little closer. Mr. Huckabee dances outside the fire of typical republican circles. He’s no battled war veteran like McCain, or 9/11 rough rider like Giuliani and isn’t a Mormon (which I think endears him to a sect of the republican party who are afraid of too many changes); Instead, Mr. Huckabee is the republican follower to Bill Clinton (as Arkansas governor) and a former minister. At least when this man panders to the religious right he will be pandering to himself as well. I’ve reviewed where Mr. Huckabee stands on the issues and I only found one thing that I think will hurt us as a nation if he were elected president. No, I’m not telling you what that is…..do your own research, form you own opinions, think for yourself. http://www.mikehuckabee.com/
I could write a book about the significance of Obama’s Iowa win. Tonight when Senator Obama addressed his Iowa supporters he began with, “They said this day would never come….” I have never heard such an understatement in my life! The notion that a black man could win a caucus in nearly all white (less than 3% of the population is African-American), conservative, Iowa speaks volumes about change in this country. I’m inspired by that level of change just months after the Jena 6 made headlines with memoirs of how little things have changed. I’m inspired my Mr. Obama’s willingness to work with America, not just the democrats or republicans. I’ve read his stances on the issues and find his approach fresh in that he looks at the world from a very different perspective than any other candidate I’ve known. Again, do your own research. http://www.barackobama.com/index.php

So say the polity….
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