Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Welcome to "Just Politicking" !
In the coming days and weeks I will systematically go about addressing the political issues of these United States.

For Starters: Let me just define the parameters of this Blog.
I am a moderate, so I'm accustomesd to people disagreeing with me, in fact, I'm very comfortable with it. As a political scientist, I am not bogged down with the need to impress party members. I simply want what is best for this country and fair for its citizens and I will persue that which is right with vigor. My perspective is impartial to party politics and only clouded by the act of being just, hence the blog title, "JUST POLITICKING". I hope you enjoy your stay.

" just ( P ) PronunciationKey (jst)adj.
Honorable and fair in one's dealings and actions: a just ruler. See Synonyms at
Law. Valid within the law; lawful: just claims.
Suitable or proper in nature; fitting: a just touch of solemnity.
Based on fact or sound reason; well-founded: a just appraisal.

pol·i·tick ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pl-tk)intr.v. pol·i·ticked, pol·i·tick·ing, pol·i·ticks
To engage in or discuss politics."


1 comment:

jelli said...

I look forward to reading your views.